Observe Service Mesh with Apache SkyWalking and Envoy Access Log Service

8 min readDec 3, 2020


Apache SkyWalking: an APM (application performance monitor) system, especially designed for microservices, cloud native, and container-based (Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) architectures.

Envoy Access Log Service: Access Log Service (ALS) is an Envoy extension that emits detailed access logs of all requests going through Envoy.


Apache SkyWalking has long supported observability in service mesh with Istio Mixer adapter. But since v1.5, Istio began to deprecate Mixer due to its poor performance in large scale clusters. Mixer’s functionalities have been moved into the Envoy proxies, and is supported only through the 1.7 Istio release. On the other hand, Sheng Wu and Lizan Zhou presented a better solution based on the Apache SkyWalking and Envoy ALS on KubeCon China 2019, to reduce the performance impact brought by Mixer, while retaining the same observability in service mesh. This solution was initially implemented by Sheng Wu, Hongtao Gao, Lizan Zhou, and Dhi Aurrahman at Tetrate.io. If you are looking for a more efficient solution to observe your service mesh instead of using a Mixer-based solution, this is exactly what you need. In this tutorial, we will explain a little bit how the new solution works, and apply it to the bookinfo application in practice.

How it works

From a perspective of observability, Envoy can be typically deployed in 2 modes, sidecar, and router. As a sidecar, Envoy mostly represents a single service to receive and send requests (2 and 3 in the picture below). While as a proxy, Envoy may represent many services (1 in the picture below).

In both modes, the logs emitted by ALS include a node identifier. The identifier starts with router~ (or ingress~) in router mode and sidecar~ in sidecar proxy mode.

Apart from the node identifier, there are several noteworthy properties in the access logs that will be used in this solution:

  • downstream_direct_remote_address: This field is the downstream direct remote address on which the request from the user was received. Note: This is always the physical peer, even if the remote address is inferred from for example the x-forwarded-for header, proxy protocol, etc.
  • downstream_remote_address: The remote/origin address on which the request from the user was received.
  • downstream_local_address: The local/destination address on which the request from the user was received.
  • upstream_remote_address: The upstream remote/destination address that handles this exchange.
  • upstream_local_address: The upstream local/origin address that handles this exchange.
  • upstream_cluster: The upstream cluster that upstream_remote_address belongs to.

We will discuss more about the properties in the following sections.


When serving as a sidecar, Envoy is deployed alongside a service, and delegates all the incoming/outgoing requests to/from the service.

  1. Delegating incoming requests: in this case, Envoy acts as a server side sidecar, and sets the upstream_cluster in form of inbound|portNumber|portName|Hostname[or]SidecarScopeID.
  1. The SkyWalking analyzer checks whether either downstream_remote_address can be mapped to a Kubernetes service:
  2. a. If there is a service (say Service B) whose implementation is running in this IP(and port), then we have a service-to-service relation, Service B -> Service A, which can be used to build the topology. Together with the start_time and duration fields in the access log, we have the latency metrics now.
  3. b. If there is no service that can be mapped to downstream_remote_address, then the request may come from a service out of the mesh. Since SkyWalking cannot identify the source service where the requests come from, it simply generates the metrics without source service, according to the topology analysis method. The topology can be built as accurately as possible, and the metrics detected from server side are still correct.
  4. Delegating outgoing requests: in this case, Envoy acts as a client-side sidecar, and sets the upstream_cluster in form of outbound|<port>|<subset>|<serviceFQDN>.
  1. Client side detection is relatively simpler than (1. Delegating incoming requests). If upstream_remote_address is another sidecar or proxy, we simply get the mapped service name and generate the topology and metrics. Otherwise, we have no idea what it is and consider it an UNKNOWN service.

Proxy role

When Envoy is deployed as a proxy, it is an independent service itself and doesn’t represent any other service like a sidecar does. Therefore, we can build client-side metrics as well as server-side metrics.


In this section, we will use the typical bookinfo application to demonstrate how Apache SkyWalking 8.3.0+ (the latest version up to Nov. 30th, 2020) works together with Envoy ALS to observe a service mesh.

Installing Kubernetes

SkyWalking 8.3.0 supports the Envoy ALS solution under both Kubernetes environment and virtual machines (VM) environment, in this tutorial, we’ll only focus on the Kubernetes scenario, for VM solution, please stay tuned for our next blog, so we need to install Kubernetes before taking further steps.

In this tutorial, we will use the Minikube tool to quickly set up a local Kubernetes(v1.17) cluster for testing. In order to run all the needed components, including the bookinfo application, the SkyWalking OAP and WebUI, the cluster may need up to 4GB RAM and 2 CPU cores.

minikube start --memory=4096 --cpus=2

Next, run kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system --watch to check whether all the Kubernetes components are ready. If not, wait for the readiness before going on.

Installing Istio

Istio provides a very convenient way to configure the Envoy proxy and enable the access log service. The built-in configuration profiles free us from lots of manual operations. So, for demonstration purposes, we will use Istio through this tutorial.

export ISTIO_VERSION=1.7.1curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | sh -sudo mv $PWD/istio-$ISTIO_VERSION/bin/istioctl /usr/local/bin/ istioctl install --set profile=demokubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Run kubectl get pods --namespace=istio-system --watch to check whether all the Istio components are ready. If not, wait for the readiness before going on.

Enabling ALS

The demo profile doesn't enable ALS by default. We need to reconfigure it to enable ALS via some configuration.

istioctl manifest install \
--set meshConfig.enableEnvoyAccessLogService=true \
--set meshConfig.defaultConfig.envoyAccessLogService.address=skywalking-oap.istio-system:11800

The example command --set meshConfig.enableEnvoyAccessLogService=true enables the Envoy access log service in the mesh. And as we said earlier, ALS is essentially a gRPC service that emits requests logs. The config meshConfig.defaultConfig.envoyAccessLogService.address=skywalking-oap.istio-system:11800 tells this gRPC service where to emit the logs, say skywalking-oap.istio-system:11800, where we will deploy the SkyWalking ALS receiver later.

NOTE: You can also enable the ALS when installing Istio so that you don’t need to restart Istio after installation:

istioctl install --set profile=demo \
--set meshConfig.enableEnvoyAccessLogService=true \
--set meshConfig.defaultConfig.envoyAccessLogService.address=skywalking-oap.istio-system:11800
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Deploying Apache SkyWalking

The SkyWalking community provides a Helm Chart to make it easier to deploy SkyWalking and its dependent services in Kubernetes. The Helm Chart can be found at the GitHub repository.

# Install Helm
curl -sSLO https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar xz -C /usr/local/bin --strip-components=1 linux-amd64/helm -f helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Clone SkyWalking Helm Chart
git clone https://github.com/apache/skywalking-kubernetes
cd skywalking-kubernetes/chart
git reset --hard dd749f25913830c47a97430618cefc4167612e75
# Update dependencies
helm dep up skywalking
# Deploy SkyWalking
helm -n istio-system install skywalking skywalking \
--set oap.storageType='h2'\
--set ui.image.tag=8.3.0 \
--set oap.image.tag=8.3.0-es7 \
--set oap.replicas=1 \
--set oap.env.SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS=k8s-mesh \
--set oap.env.JAVA_OPTS='-Dmode=' \
--set oap.envoy.als.enabled=true \
--set elasticsearch.enabled=false

We also enable the ALS analyzer in the SkyWalking OAP: oap.env.SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS=k8s-mesh. The analyzer parses the access logs and maps the IP addresses in the logs to the real service names in the Kubernetes, to build a topology.

In order to retrieve the metadata (such as Pod IP and service names) from a Kubernetes cluster for IP mappings, we also set oap.envoy.als.enabled=true, to apply for a ClusterRole that has access to the metadata.

export POD_NAME= $(kubectl get pods -A -l "app=skywalking,release=skywalking,component=ui" -o name) echo $POD_NAME kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080

Now navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080 . You should be able to see the SkyWalking dashboard. The dashboard is empty for now, but after we deploy the demo application and generate traffic, it should be filled up later.

Deploying Bookinfo application


export ISTIO_VERSION=1.7.1 kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/$ISTIO_VERSION/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/$ISTIO_VERSION/samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all --timeout=1200s minikube tunnel

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost/productpage. You should be able to see the typical bookinfo application. Refresh the webpage several times to generate enough access logs.


And you’re all done! Check out the SkyWalking WebUI again. You should see the topology of the bookinfo application, as well the metrics of each individual service of the bookinfo application.


  • Check all pods status: kubectl get pods -A.
  • SkyWalking OAP logs: kubectl -n istio-system logs -f $(kubectl get pod -A -l "app=skywalking,release=skywalking,component=oap" -o name).
  • SkyWalking WebUI logs: kubectl -n istio-system logs -f $(kubectl get pod -A -l "app=skywalking,release=skywalking,component=ui" -o name).
  • Make sure the time zone at the bottom-right of the WebUI is set to UTC +0.

Customizing Service Names

The SkyWalking community brought more improvements to the ALS solution in the 8.3.0 version. You can decide how to compose the service names when mapping from the IP addresses, with variables service and pod. For instance, configuring K8S_SERVICE_NAME_RULE to the expression ${service.metadata.name}-${pod.metadata.labels.version} gets service names with version label such as reviews-v1, reviews-v2, and reviews-v3, instead of a single service reviews, see the PR.

Working ALS with VM

Kubernetes is popular, but what about VMs? From what we discussed above, in order to map the IPs to services, SkyWalking needs access to the Kubernetes cluster, fetching service metadata and Pod IPs. But in a VM environment, there is no source from which we can fetch those metadata. In the next post, we will introduce another ALS analyzer based on the Envoy metadata exchange mechanism. With this analyzer, you are able to observe a service mesh in the VM environment. Stay tuned! If you want to have commercial support for the ALS solution or hybrid mesh observability, Tetrate Service Bridge, TSB is another good option out there.

Additional Resources

Apache SkyWalking founder Sheng Wu, SkyWalking core maintainer Zhenxu Ke are Tetrate engineers, and Tevah Platt is a content writer for Tetrate. Tetrate helps organizations adopt open source service mesh tools, including Istio, Envoy, and Apache SkyWalking, so they can manage microservices, run service mesh on any infrastructure, and modernize their applications.

Originally published at https://skywalking.apache.org on December 3, 2020.




Apache SkyWalking Core Maintainer and PMC member; Apache Incubator PMC member; Open-source enthusiast. GitHub@kezhenxu94